Finding Christ: My Testimony

Finding Christ: My Testimony

Looking back, when I wasn't a Christian but was nominally Buddhist, Jesus was and is working in my life. I realized that He brought me to Him through my husband. Jesus was tugging at my heart all my life, and the seed wasn't planted until I met my husband, Brettan.

I remember it so clearly: it was August 2021, and I had a Bumble date in the South Bay area of CA. We were meeting at a beach. Never did I think I'd meet the love of my life and the one who grounds me in Christ on a dating app! Haha. I was always wanting to find someone organically, face to face, but it turns out it was on an app! Anyway, back to the story. We had an amazing date walking the pier and chatting away about everything, be it values, family, religion, politics, hobbies, etc. I wasn't a Christian then. I was so confused, anxious, and nervous about religion. I thought being religious was such a bad thing based on media and culture.

Our first date went so well that our second date was the next day! I knew there was something so special about him. Fast forward to many amazing dates later, I met his family, and I felt seen. They are the most loving, gracious, God-fearing family I've ever met. Such love and joy from the Lord were filling their souls that I could feel. It was then, during our first Christmas together in 2021, we were at his house to celebrate. I received my first-ever Bible! And guess what? It was PINK!! My favorite color ever. I still read it today, and it has a soft, quality feel to it. I remember thinking to myself then, why did I receive this? I felt a little awkward but still gratefully accepted the gift. This was the day the seed was planted.

My husband, who was my boyfriend at that time, told me that he loved and cared for my soul so much that he couldn't lead me to Hell and damnation. He felt it was right to bring the Gospel to me. That was the most romantic thing I've ever heard a man say to me. I knew then that he was a keeper, even though I felt that already before; this just solidified it. Over time, we discussed and read some things from the Bible together. I wasn't fully ready to accept Jesus yet.

Fast forward some more amazing months together, I realized I was ready to accept the Lord. I have sinned so much in my life that I repented greatly. Some things from the past I've done still make me feel guilty, but I know now that I'm not perfect like the Lord, but I strive to be like Him daily. His path over mine. I've learned and grown so much in the Lord; Christ has changed my life. My husband and I got married on May 21, 2022, in a small lake ceremony, one of the best days of my life. We later had a wedding reception and honeymoon a year later to celebrate.

This whole time Jesus was working; I just didn't know it! I got baptized and proclaimed my faith in June of 2022 at my local church. We attend Calvary Church near us. Another best day of mine. I felt redeemed and renewed in Christ. It was a wonderful experience to share it with my church members. Since being a Christian, my outlook on life has taken a complete 180 degrees. He is my Savior, rock, love, salvation, and peace. He is righteous and sovereign. He is my inspiration! It is as if I can feel the Spirit of the Lord and Holy Spirit running through my veins.

Christ has inspired me to utilize the Gospel to spread His Word. I love jewelry and wanted to create something that would hold PURPOSE and VALUE. It is not all about aesthetics for jewelry but PURPOSE. A bracelet or even a necklace that you can wear and remember, "Oh yeah, Christ is King," when you are driving through stop-and-go traffic on the freeway, feeling frustrated and angry. Channeling that anger and frustration through praying and being in God's Word is a much more peaceful way. Or even reading a phrase like "Be Still" on your bracelet, remembering "Be still, and know that I am God" - Psalms 46:10 NKJ. Remembering God's Word through jewelry is such a purposeful way to walk in faith and not by sight! I hope all my pieces inspire and embrace those things. I, at times, may get fun or creative and not include some scripture, but they are meant to be paired or stacked together.

Jesus is the way, the truth, the life. I love You, Lord.

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