Deepening Faith: Insights on Matthew 5, Salt & Light, and Bible Study

Deepening Faith: Insights on Matthew 5, Salt & Light, and Bible Study

Hello friends, thank you so much for returning to read my latest blog! I have honestly found a new hobby and a liking for blogging about all things Jesus, faith, and jewelry. My blog is such a nice, relaxing outlet for me to reflect and discuss anything on my mind.

I just finished my second week of my women's Bible study, and I really, really love it! I have met so many amazing God-fearing women, and it is such a light to hear their stories, chat, and be around them. Bible study has really allowed me to dive deeper into the Bible and read chapters I haven't before. That is what we need—our circle of Christians supporting and praying for each other and always seeking to glorify the Lord. I am enjoying reflecting on my blog every time I finish women's Bible study, as it helps me understand His Word more thoughtfully.

Today's message discussed how we believers are the salt and light. It was very humbling and empowering to learn about these topics. We are focused on Matthew 5:13-16. The main takeaway from these verses is that we must be different from the world. We are the "salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned?"—Matthew 5:13. The Bible is so eloquently written; it is just amazing how God is. Truly, the Bible is my favorite book of all time. Salt is such an essential mineral and electrolyte for our bodies; it causes thirst, gives flavor to food, and is vital for our health (in healthy amounts). In this world, we are the salt; we are the ones showing the world who Jesus is. Without God, the world is unsalted and unseasoned, and as believers, we must salt the world with God's Word. We season the world through our actions, behavior, and words that showcase God's grace, kindness, love, and mercy for us.

From Matthew 5:14-16, it also states that we should be "the light of the world." Without God in this world, it would be absolute chaos, darkness, and destruction. We are the lamps in the darkness. It may also be difficult at times to show your light in the darkness of this earthly world with all the gossip, news and politics swirling around, but God calls us to spread our salt and light everywhere! Focus on Jesus always and peace will follow. It states in Matthew 5:11, "Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake." Secular people will persecute you because they have persecuted Jesus. They deny His truth and Word. As we discussed in the women's Bible study, our light will expose the darkness and sins of non-believers, and they dislike that exposure and the inability to take accountability for their sins. We must not expect respect, but expect persecution. 

Despite the trials and persecution of the world, we must stand strong and be steadfast in God's faith and Word. Show our light and salt in all aspects of our lives—through our work, friends, and family—because at the end of the day, all earthly things can disappear in a flash: our expensive cars, homes, etc. But it is the blessings of Jesus and His Word that will ultimately save us. Seek and follow the Lord, and not the world.

Personally, if you have read my testimony blog post, I am the first Christian in my Buddhist family. It can definitely be difficult at times to stand strong in faith and God's Word, but I continue to persist because Jesus is my Savior. Since I was saved in 2022, it has been challenging for my family to understand why I am following the Lord. We may clash with our opinions and beliefs, but I do my very best to show grace and mercy to all of them, as that is what Jesus shows us. I constantly pray that the Lord will soften my family's hearts toward the Gospel and Jesus, and for their salvation. I did purchase Bibles for them last year as Christmas gifts, with a bookmark in John, hoping that the Lord will water the seeds that I have planted.

It definitely hasn't been easy for me since I was saved in 2022 to discuss the Gospel and how Jesus changed me, but as of now, I am feeling much more confident in His Word and love to share it all with them. As much as I know that being a Christian offends them, I will continue to plant seeds, and Lord willing, they will grow. I will be patient and keep praying that, in God's timing and plan, it can happen. I hope my family sees the goodness, blessings, mercy, love, and truth in God's Word and that their minds open up to it all. After being saved in 2022, all of my anger and hurt disappeared because I found my peace in Christ. He is my King, and I will be eternally grateful for Him.

Here are some good links to learn and understand Matthew 5:

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1 comment

So happy you are attending the ladies Bible study Mimi. May you continue to delight in Gods word. Lord Bless you

Kathy Craig

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